- 第二屆粒子加速器真空、低溫技術研討會 2011-03-31
- Trigger/DAQ workshop for Belle II Experiment 2011-01-12
- ICRC2011 2010-10-20
- Fifth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders 2010-04-27
- Topical Seminar on Frontier of Particle Physics 2010 2010-04-14
- Charm2010 2010-03-09
- 21st International Conference on Magnet Technology 2010-01-22
- International Workshop on e+e- collisions from Phi to Psi 2010-01-22
- Calor 2010 2009-11-27
- LCWS10 and ILC10 2009-11-26
- Real Time Conference 2009 2009-05-01
- 國際高能物理與核物理計算會議 2009-07-09
- 國際輕光子大會 2009-07-09
- 國際高能物理大會 2009-07-09
- 9th ACFA ILC Physics and Detector Workshop & ILC GDE Meeting 2009-07-09
- BEPCII IMAC Meeting 2009-01-01
- International UHE Tau Neutrino Workshop 2006-03-13
- Charm2006: International Workshop on Tau-Charm Physics 2006-03-26
- XIV International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions 2006-06-11